The Justin Lee Collins Show is a British television chat show presented by Justin Lee Collins that aired on ITV2 between 19 March 2009 and 21 May 2009. Collins has a small band on the show and a continuing theme is to mention Labi Siffre as part of a joke. The series ended after one series after Collins signed a two-year deal with Channel 5.
Justin Lee Collins
Catherine Tate
Rose Byrne
Katherine Kelly
Whoopi Goldberg
Andrea McLean
John Barrowman
Fay Ripley
Martin Freeman
Nikki Grahame
Kevin James
Todd Carty
Kirsty Gallacher
Michelle Ryan
Chris O'Dowd
Louis Walsh
Eamonn Holmes
Alesha Dixon
Billie Piper
Melinda Messenger
Ben Miller
Carol McGiffin
Jason Isaacs
Chris Moyles
Alan Carr
Original Language:
Talk Show