Sabki Laadli Bebo is a Hindi/Punjabi-language television drama-series that aired on STAR Plus. The series premiered on March 11, 2009 and was produced by Endemol India and Sachidanand Productions. Sabki Laadli Bebo is all about a cute, cheerful, innocent girl Bebo, who is loved by her family immeasurably. This affluent, respectable, traditional Punjabi family of three brothers and their parents always yearned for a girl. Their happiness knew no bounds when, after years, God answered their prayers and a daughter was born. It was concluded on March 25, 2011.
Shivshakti Sachdev
Anuj Sachdeva
Kanwaljit Singh
Sayantani Ghosh
Shailley Kaushik
Mohini Sharma
Madhuri Pandey
Pankaj Bhatia
Priyamvada Kant
In Production
Original Language: