Kath & Kim is a character-driven Australian television situation comedy series. The series was created by, and is written by Jane Turner and Gina Riley who play the title characters: a suburban mother and daughter with a dysfunctional relationship. The series main characters consist of Kath Day-Knight, a cheerful 50-year-old woman, her self-indulgent daughter Kim Craig, Kath's boyfriend and second husband, the metrosexual Kel Knight, as well as Kim's estranged husband Brett Craig and her lonely, overweight "second best friend" Sharon Strzelecki. The series is set in the fictional suburb of Fountain Lakes in Melbourne. It is primarily filmed in Patterson Lakes. The series was conceived by Turner and Riley in the early 1990s as a weekly segment of the Australian comedy series Fast Forward. The skit was then developed into a full-series. The first series of Kath & Kim premiered on ABC TV on 16 May 2002, with three further series following, while a television movie, entitled Da Kath and Kim Code, was broadcast nationally on 25 November 2005. Kath & Kim has garnered much critical acclaim since its debut, winning two Logie Awards, for "Outstanding Comedy Programme" and the "Best Television Drama Series" award at the Australian Film Institute Awards. In Australia, it has become a pop culture phenomenon, and is a success with audiences nationwide. Internationally, the series has spawned a cult fanbase, and in 2006 it was announced an American version of the series would be produced, to air on NBC. Riley and Turner served as executive producers on the US version. The American version was also picked up by Seven, which debuted the program on 12 October 2008, just three days after its debut in the United States.
Magda Szubanski
Glenn Robbins
Jane Turner
Peter Rowsthorn
Gina Riley
Marg Downey
Tony Martin
Peta Brady
Glenn Butcher
Mark Trevorrow
Jane Menelaus
Kate Atkinson
William McInnes
Mick Molloy
Alan Brough
Eddie Perfect
Matt Lucas
Shane Warne
Alexa Wyatt
Judith Chaplin
Daina Reid
Kate Gorman
Alethea McGrath
Tony Rickards
Mandy McElhinney
Shivantha Wijesinha
Jason Gann
Sibylla Budd
Nicholas Bell
Helen Thomson
Vince Colosimo
Lynda Gibson
Leah Vandenberg
Greg Carroll
Lisa N Edwards
Judith Lucy
Belinda McClory
Frank Woodley
Julie Forsyth
Gareth Yuen
Rachel Griffiths
Mark Holden
Mickey Camilleri
Janet Foye
Alicia Gardiner
Kate McCartney
Andrew Bayly
Gerry Connolly
Elisa Gray
Bridget Neval
John Clarke
Colin Lane
Lois Collinder
Joe Pampanella
Kylie Minogue
Eric Bana
Rob Sitch
Luke Lennox
Gayle DeLosa
Katie Hastings
Donna Hay
Andrew O'Keefe
Justina Noble
Jeremy Kewley
Stephen Page
Gina Riley
Jane Turner
Original Language: