The Atlanta Child Murders is a TV miniseries that aired on February 10 and 12, 1985 on CBS. Inspired by true events, the miniseries examines the so-called "Atlanta child murders" of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Jason Robards
James Earl Jones
Rip Torn
Morgan Freeman
Calvin Levels
Lynne Moody
Ruby Dee
Gloria Foster
Paul Benjamin
Andrew Robinson
Christopher Allport
Guy Boyd
Gary Graham
Bill Paxton
Percy Rodriguez
William Allen Young
Martin Sheen
Tina Andrews
Michael Alldredge
Clarence Floyd III
Robert S. Telford
Jim Antonio
Stephen Godwin
Ernest Harden Jr.
Don Hood
Kenneth Kimmins
Christopher Maher
Alley Mills
CCH Pounder
Veronica Redd
Henry G. Sanders
Lisa Blake Richards
Barbara Sammeth
Essex Smith
Harold Sylvester
Royce Wallace
Charles Weldon
John Wesley
Mark Arnold
Beau Billingslea
Ed Cambridge
Marilyn Coleman
Noel Conlon
John Devlin
Zero Hubbard
Barbara Harris
Steve James
John Lafayette
Lawrence Lott
Felton Perry
John Petlock
Jack Rader
J.W. Smith
Maurice Sneed
Christopher St. John
Kristoff St. John
Olga Talyn
Anthony Thompkins
Ellen Tobie
Myrna White
Noble Willingham
Erica Yohn
S.V. Henson, Jr.
Original Language: