This one hour drama follows the search and rescue (SAR) team of the Canadian Coast Guard. The crew of the MLB Cape Pacific is lead by Captain Miro DaSilva and its First Mate Laura Nelson. The crew is rounded out by Coast guard rescue swimmers Andrew Vanderlee and Carly Greig.
Steve Bacic
Jeremy Guilbaut
Zoie Palmer
Gordon Michael Woolvett
Sonya Salomaa
Julie Patzwald
Eve Harlow
Claudette Mink
Teryl Rothery
Agam Darshi
Tantoo Cardinal
Tinsel Korey
Patricia Drake
Scott Hylands
Venus Terzo
Erin Karpluk
Frank C. Turner
Enuka Okuma
Terry Chen
Elias Toufexis
Adrian Holmes
Karen Kruper
Chelah Horsdal
Kavan Smith
Caterina Scorsone
Regan Oey
Rebecca Jenkins
Mark Acheson
Scott McNeil
John Tierney
Michael Kopsa
Colin Cunningham
James O'Sullivan
Teach Grant
Dave 'Squatch' Ward
Dean Wray
Justin Rain
David James Elliott
Elise Gatien
Megan Charpentier
Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers
Preet Cheema
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