The Golden Path is a 30-episode drama serial. Set in 1982 and spanning 25 years, it tells the story of a family embroiled in conflicts of interest, webs of deceit, love, hatred and vengeance. The drama was produced by MediaCorp in celebration of the company's 25 years of local Chinese drama production and incorporates scenes from past dramas such as The Seletar Robbery, The Flying Fish, Pretty Faces, Turn of the Tide, Finishing Lines, The Last Applause, Stepping Out, The Golden Pillow and Holland V. The serial was telecast on MediaCorp TV Channel 8, from 11 December 2007, weekdays at 9:00pm. The series finale aired on 21 January 2008.
Li Nanxing
Huang Yiliang
Chew Chor Meng
Chen Liping
Tay Ping-Hui
Joanne Peh
Felicia Chin
Wang Yu-Qing
Edmund Chen
Joey Swee
Huang Wenyong
Priscelia Chan
Zhang Wei
Zheng Geping
Yan Bingliang
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