Mulligan's Stew is comedy/drama television series produced by Paramount Network Television that originally aired as a 90-minute NBC television movie on June 20, 1977, and later, as a 60-minute series from October 25, 1977 to December 13, 1977. The series focused on the lives of the Mulligan family. Lawrence Pressman starred as Michael Mulligan, a high school teacher and football coach, and Elinor Donahue played his wife, Jane, who works as a school nurse. The series was set in the fictitious Southern California community of Birchfield.
Lawrence Pressman
K.C. Martel
Julie Anne Haddock
Suzanne Crough
Elinor Donahue
Johnny Doran
William Bogert
Marc McClure
Jon Gries
Christopher Stone
Matthew Labyorteaux
Steve Eastin
Steve Nevil
Dave Madden
Original Language: