On Our Own is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from September 13, 1994 until April 14, 1995. The series stars Ralph Louis Harris and six real life siblings: Jazz, Jocqui, Jake, Jojo, Jurnee, and Jussie Smollett. The series was created and executive produced by David W. Duclon, one of the executive producers of Family Matters. The series was also produced by Thomas L. Miller and Robert L. Boyett, who developed the show. Suzanne dePasse and Suzanne Coston were additional executive producers, with Duclon's longtime colleague Gary Menteer acting as co-executive producer. The series was produced by Miller-Boyett Productions, with associates Lightkeeper Productions and dePasse Entertainment. On Our Own was the first Miller/Boyett sitcom to be produced by Warner Bros. Television for its entire run.
Roger Aaron Brown
T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh
Jurnee Smollett
Ralph Louis Harris
Jussie Smollett
Jake Smollett
Meagan Good
Will Ferrell
Jojo Smollett
Jazz Smollett
Jocqui Smollett
Kimberley Kates
Karen Kim
Laura Ponce
Cindy Herron
Lorna Scott
Shekinah Williams
Deon Richmond
Bumper Robinson
John Cothran
Reginald VelJohnson
Timothy Stack
Laura Ponce
Stuart Damon
Matt Landers
Drancy Jackson
Romy Rosemont
Earl Boen
Rae'Ven Larrymore Kelly
Paddi Edwards
Claudette Sutherland
Johnny Brown
Jason Keller
Benjamin LeVert
Cleandre Norman
Maya Nicole Johnson
T.C. Warner
Billye Ree Wallace
Shar Jackson
Ellen Albertini Dow
David W. Duclon
Original Language: