Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars was a 1996 Children's BBC sitcom, based on the book of the same name by Mark Haddon. The six episode series followed the exploits of Ben Simpson, played by Duncan Barton, and his friends Barney, played by Andrew McKay, and Jenks, played by Reggie Yates, who together formed the "Crane Grove Gang", named after the street where they lived. This was a society dedicated to playing ingenious practical jokes in an initiative called "Agent Z".
Duncan Barton
Andrew Wheeler
Andrew McKay
Reggie Yates
Nicola Mycroft
Ian Sharrock
Catherine Shipton
Rod Culbertson
Stephen Churchett
Pamela Power
Ludmilla Vuli
James Mansfeild
Jeremy Pearce
David Buckham
Deborah Mackenzie
Eileen Anson
Ray Burnside
Chris Sanders
Sally Chattaway
Roger Llewllyn
Michael Sheard
Alan Leith
Steven Finch
John Bleasdale
Antony Houghton
Mark Haddon
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