The Deputy is an American western series that aired on NBC from September 1959, to July 1961. The series stars Henry Fonda as Chief Marshal Simon Fry of the Arizona Territory and Allen Case as Deputy Clay McCord, a storekeeper who tried to avoid using a gun.
Wallace Ford
Henry Fonda
Allen Case
Betty Lou Keim
Read Morgan
Herbert Lytton
Charles Seel
Frank Hagney
Francis McDonald
Fred Beir
Frank Cady
Constance Ford
Ron Harper
Paul Gilbert
Hal Baylor
Kevin O'Neal
Lyle Bettger
Susan Oliver
Robert P. Lieb
Francis De Sales
Joan O'Brien
Richard H. Cutting
Rayford Barnes
Phil Tully
Marc Lawrence
George Brenlin
Dean Fredericks
Mary Tyler Moore
Edward Platt
Don 'Red' Barry
Harry Harvey
Willard Sage
Sam Flint
Robert Armstrong
Clu Gulager
Denver Pyle
Stafford Repp
Russell Johnson
Cyril Delevanti
Lisa Montell
James Coburn
Joe Dominguez
Tom McKee
Lon Chaney Jr.
Denny Miller
Dick Cherney
Lee Van Cleef
Don Brodie
Ralph Sanford
Patrice Wymore
Carl Benton Reid
Sol Gorss
Dick Rich
Claude Akins
Frank Overton
Whitney Blake
Richard Reeves
Mark Tapscott
Roy Engel
Bruce Gordon
Eugene Iglesias
Leo Gordon
Laurie Mitchell
Gregory Walcott
Jack Hogan
Vivian Vance
Frank Albertson
Fred Sherman
Herschel Graham
Jeremy Slate
Robert J. Wilke
James Griffith
Steven Ritch
Earl Hansen
Quentin Sondergaard
Bill Foster
Arthur Franz
Gerald Mohr
Kevin Hagen
Mari Aldon
Carleton Young
James Lanphier
Tod Griffin
Frank De Kova
Edward Earle
Raymond Hatton
Jack Ging
Johnny Cash
Michael Garrett
Chubby Johnson
George Dolenz
Elisha Cook Jr.
J. Edward McKinley
Robert Osterloh
Norman Willis
Joseph Mell
Terry Frost
Dan Riss
Keith Richards
Frank Mills
Onslow Stevens
Roland Kibbee
Norman Lear
Original Language: