The Brothers García is an American sitcom that premiered in 2000 on Nickelodeon and ended in 2004. It was among the first projects of Sí TV, an effort to produce programming featuring Latino characters, however being aimed at a diverse audience. The series was billed as the first English-language sitcom to have an all Latino cast and creative team. The series aired on the programming block Nick on CBS from September 18, 2004 to September 17, 2005, where the series ended its initial run. Reruns on The N started on April 7, 2008, and ended in May 23, 2008. Similarities to the series could be made to the style of The Wonder Years and Everybody Hates Chris, with an older version of the main character narrating each episode in a witty and sarcastic manner.
Carlos Lacámara
Ada Maris
Jeffrey Licon
Bobby Gonzalez
Vaneza Pitynski
Alvin Alvarez
John Leguizamo
Elissa Viramontes
Natalie Garza
Nicole Garza
Lupe Ontiveros
Dyana Ortelli
Penn Badgley
America Olivo
Edward Albert
Johnny Pacar
Vanessa Hudgens
George Lopez
Daisy Fuentes
Kay Panabaker
Tania Raymonde
Giselle Fernández
Jeff Valdez
Phil Van Tee
Noemí García
Jim Maniaci
Brenda Song
Lou Cutell
Travis Gruhot
Trevor Gruhot
Demetrius Navarro
Julius Ritter
Timothy Mittel
Oliver Muirhead
Matthew Peters
Chloe Arnold
Shawn Pyfrom
Marcie Smolin
Tammy Trull
Maureen McCormick
Agina Alvarez
Aurora Rodriguez
Jessica Castellanos
T Lopez
Emy Coligado
Jorge Diaz
Iyari Limon
Alex Meneses
Jerry Messing
Larissa Reynolds
Alfonso Ribeiro
Daniel Zacapa
Henry Darrow
Liz Torres
Jeff D'Agostino
Original Language: