The series is set in a dystopian future in which Britain is under the grip of the Home Office's Department of Public Control (PCD), a tyrannically oppressive bureaucracy riding roughshod over the population's civil liberties. Edward Woodward plays Jim Kyle, a journalist on the last independent newspaper called The Star, who turns renegade and begins to fight the PCD covertly. The officials of the PCD, in turn, try to provide proof of Kyle's subversive activities.
Edward Woodward
Robert Lang
Tony Doyle
Paul Hardwick
John Savident
Lisa Harrow
Yvonne Mitchell
Barbara Kellerman
Clifton Jones
George Murcell
Donald Burton
Sandra Payne
Victor Maddern
Joseph Brady
Oscar James
Fiona Walker
Jim Norton
Norman Eshley
George Pravda
Joyce Carey
John Castle
Ray Smith
George Mallaby
Richard Hurndall
Jonathan Scott-Taylor
Julia Sutton
Edward de Souza
Simon Cadell
Lyndon Brook
John Paul
Ysanne Churchman
David Rintoul
Ed Bishop
John Rhys-Davies
Graham Crowden
Gillian Raine
Damien Thomas
Michael Cashman
Vernon Dobtcheff
David Buck
Olu Jacobs
John Nolan
Jenny Laird
James Murray
John Phillips
Claire Davenport
John Bennett
Edward Judd
Colin Douglas
John Ronane
Primi Townsend
Geoffrey Burridge
Anna Cropper
Esmond Knight
James Greene
John Quarmby
Jonathan Adams
Simon Chandler
Original Language: