Star Académie is a Canadian reality TV series started in 2003, aimed primarily at the Quebec television audience, featuring an array of young women and men competing for the title of the best singer. It is the Québécois adaptation of the French television show Star Academy produced by Netherlands company Endemol, based on the Spanish format called Operación Triunfo. There have been seasons in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, and 2012.
Pascale Wilhelmy
Julie Snyder
Wilfred LeBouthillier
Marie-Élaine Thibert
Annie Villeneuve
Marie-Mai Bouchard
Jean-François Bastien
François Babin
Martin Rouette
Maritza Bossé-Pelchat
Stéphane Mercier
Suzie Villeneuve
Émily Bégin
Dave Bourgeois
Jean-Philippe Dion
Élyse Robineault
Pascal Nguyen-Deschênes
René Angélil
Gregory Charles
Stéphanie Lapointe
Marc-André Niquet
Meggie Lagacé
Véronique Claveau
Sandy Agnant-Duperval
Martin Giroux
Jason Battah
Corneliu Montano
Marie-Ève Côté
Jean-François Prud'homme
Marie-France Lettre
Dave Roussy
Jannie Lemay
Étienne Drapeau
Andréanne A. Malette
Carole-Anne Gagnon Lafond
Joanie Benoit
Sarah May Vézeau
Sophie Pelletier
Bryan Audet
François Lachance
Jason Guerrette
Jean-Marc Couture
Mike Lee
Simon Morin
Mélissa Bédard
Olivier Dion
Stéphane Laporte
Patrick Huard
Ginette Reno
Jean-Pierre Ferland
Paul Piché
Michel Rivard
Céline Dion
Brigitte Boisjoli
Carolanne d'Astous-Paquet
Émilie Lévesque
Joanie Goyette
Karine Labelle
Sophie Vaillancourt
Vanessa Duchel
Jean-Philippe Audet
Maxime Landry
Maxime Proulx
Olivier Beaulieu
Pascal Chaumont
Rich Ly
William Deslauriers
Marc-André Fortin
Audrey Gagnon
Stéphanie Bédard
Annie Blanchard
Kaven Haché
Marc Angers
Francis Greffard
Valérie Boivin
Bruno Labrie
Linda Rocheleau
Steve Provost
Jennifer Silencieux
Jenny Hachey
David Tremblay
Patrice Michaud
Lara Fabian
Ariane Moffatt
Original Language: