The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series, co-produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions and the Canadian pay-TV channel The Movie Network. Though it shares a title with the feature film The Hunger the series has no direct plot or character connection to the film, and was created by Jeff Fazio. Originally shown on the Sci Fi Channel in the UK, The Movie Network in Canada and Showtime in the US, the series was broadcast from 1997 to 2000, and is internally organized into two seasons. Each episode was based around an independent story introduced by the host; Terence Stamp hosted each episode for the first season, and was replaced in the second season by David Bowie. Stories tended to focus on themes of self-destructive desire and obsession, with a strong component of soft-core erotica; popular tropes for the stories included cannibalism, vampires, sex, and poison.
Terence Stamp
David Bowie
Karen Elkin
Arthur Holden
David La Haye
Brooke Smith
Kim Feeney
Lisa Bronwyn Moore
Vlasta Vrana
Daniel Brochu
Richard Jutras
Andreas Apergis
Timothy Spall
Sofia Shinas
Robert Ito
Christian Tessier
Daniel Craig
Nick Mancuso
Amanda de Cadenet
Karen Black
Lena Headey
Tomas Arana
Liliana Głąbczyńska
Scott Faulconbridge
Jason Scott Lee
Kenneth Welsh
Sally Kirkland
Colin Ferguson
Giovanni Ribisi
Eric Roberts
Alice Poon
Maurizio Terrazzano
Danny Gilmore
Jennifer Beals
Christopher Heyerdahl
Jane Wheeler
Sarain Boylan
Jamie Foreman
Balthazar Getty
Amanda Ryan
Philip Casnoff
Céline Bonnier
Leonardo Cimino
Jean-Guy Bouchard
Gregoriane Minot Payeur
Bruce Ramsay
Michael Gross
Curtis Armstrong
Penny Mancuso
Robert Higden
Martin Watier
Ilona Elkin
Rebecca Dewey
Cary Lawrence
Marie-Josée Croze
Dorothée Berryman
Esai Morales
Margot Kidder
Clare Sims
Gregory Calpakis
Isabelle Cyr
Paul Hopkins
Giancarlo Esposito
Goûchy Boy
Eric Hoziel
Kate Vernon
Liisa Repo-Martell
Ben Bass
Frank Schorpion
David Warner
Philippe Ross
Jacob Tierney
Marina Orsini
Glenn Plummer
Gillian Ferrabee
Serge Houde
Giannina Facio
Renee Madeline Le Guerrier
Lisa Ann Hadley
Daniela Olivieri
Sheena Larkin
Brad Dourif
Daniel Pilon
Richard Robitaille
Victoria Sanchez
Sylvain Beauchamps
Max Martini
Polly Shannon
David Schaap
Howard Rosenstein
Stellina Rusich
James Marshall
Kim Huffman
Claudia Besso
Bruce Dinsmore
Aldo Tirelli
Noel Burton
Cathy Moriarty
Soo Garay
Karina Aktouf
Anthony Michael Hall
Martin Sims
Sabrina Boudot
Lawrence Dane
Audrey Benoit
James Bradford
Joanna Cassidy
Nicholas Campbell
Jesse Borrego
Doris Milmore
Bruce Davison
Simone-Elise Girard
Ann Turkel
Marni Thompson
Stephen McHattie
Jayne Heitmeyer
France Castel
Jeff Fazio
Original Language: