Wildside is an Australian police procedural television series broadcast on the ABC from 1997 to 1999. The show consisted of a one hour format that followed police interactions in inner Sydney. It starred Rachael Blake, Tony Martin, Richard Carter and Alex Dimitriades. Mary Coustas joined the series in a regular role late in its run, appearing in the last ten episodes. The series was filmed in Sydney. It was characterised by its use of ad lib dialogue and hand held camera work. It won several Logie Awards, including Silver Logies for outstanding work by Rachael Blake and Tony Martin for acting, as well as the Most Outstanding Miniseries Logie in 1998. It was also nominated for several Australian Film Institute Awards. A rerun of the series began in Australia on ABC1 in the early hours of Friday mornings, starting in September 2008.
Rachael Blake
Tony Martin
Aaron Pedersen
Jessica Napier
Alex Dimitriades
Abi Tucker
Richard Carter
John Haas
Victoria Longley
Mary Coustas
Jim Holt
Mitchell McMahon
Abbie Cornish
Leah Vandenberg
Kellie Jones
Bojana Novaković
Shaun Goodfellow
Luke Franco
Mevlyde Begaj
Yves Stening
Jim Moriarty
David Ritchie
Liz Burch
Kevin Tod Smith
Marin Mimica
David Bowers
Emma Roche
Josh Quong Tart
Roslyn Oades
Les Hill
Kim Knuckey
Enrico Babic
Srisacd Sacdpraseuth
Arky Michael
Grant Piro
Jodie Dry
Cinzia Coassin
Simon Mills
Lester Morris
Damian Monk
Sotiri Sotiropoulos
Wynn Roberts
Ken Goodlet
Vince Poletto
Tai Nguyen
Thanh Điền
Peter Carmody
Robyn Gibbes
Peter Scarf
Steve Cox
Sam Lim
Loch Nguyen
Gerald Diel
Nic Moodie
Anthony Johnsen
Elizabeth Maywald
Max Maywald-Howard
Monette Lee
Ian Callen
Steve Le Marquand
Kim Hillas
John O'Brien
Lynden Jones
Blaise Cooper
David Newman
Billie Rose Prichard
Steve Vella
Kirstie Hutton
Petru Gheorghiu
Jacqueline Brennan
Vicki Panarello
Jessica Whitley
Chloe Lyttle
Aris Gounaris
Prudie Quigly
Ric Herbert
Robert Taylor
Christine Stephen-Daly
Virginia Keeley
Yvette Duncan
Amy Miller-Porter
Peter Sardi
Joanna Weinberg
Justin Ractcliffe
Rui Spinola
Oscar Vieira
Steven Pizzonia
Rose Frasca
Jake Downs
Haydon Samuels
Steve Jacobs
Silvio Ofria
Jacquy Phillips
Rosemary Butcher
David Goddard
Sam Conway
Peter Walters
Michael Boehm
Nicol Ritchie
Lionel Eades
Mark Longfellow
Tara Morice
Erik Thomson
Ramsey Everingham
Kieran Darcy-Smith
Claire Paradine
Lech Mackiewicz
Katerina Kotsonis
Peter Lamb
Rowan Webb
Mike Symonds
Simon Long
Daniel Di Iorio
Adrian Di Iorio
D'Anne Ryall
Jeremy Callaghan
Alan Cinis
Antonia Murphy
Jenny Iland
Robert Morgan
Kick Gurry
Loren Piefke
Jason Montgomery
Peter Callan
Julian Garner
Tim Campbell
Alejandro D'Antonio
Brett Ahern
Loene Carmen
Simone Kessell
Kerry-Ella McAullay
Matt Malone
Chris Haywood
Harold Hopkins
Bob Baines
Cameron Welsh
Helen Jones
Jarrah Darling
Myles Pollard
Joanne Priest
Warren Ring
Joy Smithers
Marton Csokas
Shane Briant
Patrick Trumper
Chris Webster
Franko Milostnik
Denise Roberts
Richard Sutherland
Samuel Johnson
Scott Lowe
Brett Fellows
Leah Tansey
Kris McQuade
Gary Sweet
Nina Liu
Jeremiah Tickell
Sonia Todd
Bruce Venables
Liza Witt
Mark Wareham
Original Language: