I Led Three Lives is an American drama series which was syndicated by Ziv Television Programs from October 1, 1953 to January 1, 1956. The series stars Richard Carlson. The show was a companion piece of sorts to the radio drama I Was a Communist for the FBI, which dealt with a similar subject and was also syndicated by Ziv from 1952 to 1954.
Richard Carlson
Patricia Morrow
John Zaremba
John Beradino
Charles Maxwell
William Hudson
Don Brodie
Rachel Ames
Michael Fox
William Boyett
Joseph Sargent
John Mitchum
Hy Anzell
John Larch
Kem Dibbs
Harry Guardino
John Hamilton
Roxanne Arlen
Gene Reynolds
Herbert Heyes
John Craven
Meg Randall
Jeanne Cooper
Joe Turkel
Chris Alcaide
Dennis Moore
Lorna Thayer
Ferris Taylor
Linda Stirling
Richard Benedict
Dennis Cross
James Lee Barrett
Mel Welles
Sandy Descher
Jonathan Haze
Jeri Weil
Gregory Walcott
Charles Macaulay
Aaron Spelling
Paul Richards
Dehl Berti
Yvette Vickers
Tyler McVey
Carleton Young
Paul Birch
Robert Clarke
Ruta Lee
William Haade
Joi Lansing
Emmaline Henry
Dick Wilson
John Stephenson
Henry Corden
Gene Roth
Angie Dickinson
Mort Mills
Robert B. Williams
Mickey Simpson
Jack Shea
Original Language: