Skag is a short-lived American drama series that aired on NBC and starred Karl Malden. Skag originated as a three-hour television movie that aired on January 6, 1980. Over a week later, it then premiered as a weekly series, Thursdays at 10/9c, which ran from January 17, 1980 until its cancellation on February 21, 1980. Skag focused on the life of a foreman at a Pittsburgh steel mill. Malden described his character, Pete Skagska, as a simple man trying to keep his family together. The series was created by Abby Mann, and executive produced by Mann and Lee Rich.
Peter Gallagher
Craig Wasson
Powers Boothe
Karl Malden
Piper Laurie
Leslie Ackerman
Shirley Stoler
Richard Bright
Dee Wallace
Leonard Frey
Fredric Lehne
Ray Girardin
Bibi Besch
Marlyn Mason
Bobby Van
R.G. Armstrong
Frank Campanella
Abby Mann
Original Language: