High Society is the title of an American television sitcom that aired Monday nights on CBS in 1995 and early 1996. The series revolves around two New York City women who act in an outrageous, campy, and decadent manner. The theme song was the Lady is a Tramp sung by Chaka Khan. Its premise was similar to the campy British comedy series Absolutely Fabulous.
Jean Smart
Mary McDonnell
David Rasche
Luigi Amodeo
Dan O'Donahue
Faith Prince
Jayne Meadows
Timothy Elwell
Robert Clohessy
Richard Roat
Constance Towers
Steve Vinovich
Lisa Banes
Barry Bostwick
Stephanie Beacham
Donna Mills
Joel Beeson
Jon Polito
Cynthia Kania
Nancy Cassaro
Bronson Pinchot
Sally Kellerman
Marisa Coughlan
Blaine Gray
Richard Whiten
Erik Estrada
Gary Anthony Sturgis
Paul Dooley
Doris Roberts
Tom Arnold
Michelle Blakely
Steven Lyon
Lawrence Mandley
Simon Templeman
Kevin Light
Carolyn Mignini
Lillian Hurst
Sandra Thigpen
Ping Wu
Lewis Dauber
Carole Goldman
Chris Balis
Gigi Moran
Thomas Brader
Shannon Maureen Brown
Traci Adell
Kathleen Sullivan
Monte Landis
Dave Organisak
Elizabeth Taylor
Steve Mateo
Justin Klentner
Paul Keeley
Kenneth Ryan
Original Language: