Bull is a short-lived American drama series created by Michael S. Chernuchin, who had worked on Law & Order and Brooklyn South in 2000. It was TNT's first original series, and was cancelled in the middle of Season 1. The show's name is in reference to the bull market, but the airing of the series coincided with the dot-com bubble crash that turned what had until then been a bull economy in the United States into a bear market.
Stanley Tucci
Elisabeth Röhm
George Newbern
Alicia Coppola
Ian Kahn
Malik Yoba
Christopher Wiehl
Donald Moffat
Nina Foch
Wendy Benson-Landes
Matt Copko
Andrea Roth
Mike Starr
Ryan O'Neal
Lindsay Frost
Khrystyne Haje
Garikayi Mutambirwa
Kathy Baker
Larry Miller
Troy Evans
Julia Campbell
Rib Hillis
Ron Fassler
Tippi Hedren
Earl Billings
Bruce Weitz
Phylicia Rashād
Cristine Rose
Lane Smith
Alyson Croft
Lillian Lehman
Tom McGowan
Miriam Flynn
Jerry Adler
Robert Joy
Louis Ferreira
Richard Fancy
Paul Ganus
Diane Farr
Reni Santoni
Joel Polis
Tucker Smallwood
J.P. Manoux
Frederick Coffin
Joe O'Connor
Senta Moses
Anna Gunn
Kitty Swink
Frederick Koehler
Tom Nowicki
Judith Scott
Robin Bartlett
Simon Templeman
Robert Costanzo
Nadine Velazquez
Christopher Allen Nelson
Eliza Dushku
Burt Bulos
Original Language: