Ferris Bueller is an American sitcom based on the 1986 John Hughes film Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The show stars Charlie Schlatter in the title role. The series debuted on August 23, 1990, on NBC and was cancelled within its first season, a few months after its debut. The show was produced by Maysh Ltd Productions in association with Paramount Television. Hughes was not involved in the show's production, and asked that his name not be used by Paramount Television to promote it.
Charlie Schlatter
Richard Riehle
Sam Freed
Jennifer Aniston
Ami Dolenz
Brandon Douglas
Judith Kahan
Cristine Rose
Jeff Maynard
Jerry Tullos
David Glasser
Brandon Rane
Chris Claridge
Tai Thai
Jim DeMarse
Alan Rachins
BoJesse Christopher
Tony Nittoli
Troy Shire
Gregory D. Smith
Suzanne Tara
Matthew Walker
Jim Calvert
Melanie MacQueen
Dennis Lipscomb
Kent Minault
Nicholas Shaffer
Kenny Eckman
Randy Kaplan
Kelly Read
Tone Loc
David Sheinkopf
Myra Turley
Linda Larkin
Michael Ciotti
Micah Rowe
Mary Gregory
Chuck Sloan
Joe Lerer
Karen Kondazian
Mary Portser
Dale Raoul
Anthony Gordon
Ted Giannoulas
Digger Phelps
Ellen Bry
Marco Rufo
Frank Birney
Karen Lombardo
Cloris Leachman
Sean Whalen
David Powledge
David Graf
Carla Gugino
Dick Martin
Danny Nucci
Jack Kehler
Paige Pengra
Buddy Hackett
Patrick Cronin
Michael Adler
David Chemel
Larron Tate
Roy Brocksmith
Al Ruscio
Steve Artiaga
Valente Rodriguez
Arnold Johnson
Robert Schuch
Allen Covert
John Masius
Original Language: