The story follows a forensic examiner Ran Yan, as she investigates the truth around her mother's suicide and solves murder cases one at a time. Ran Yan is an eighteen year old destitute noblewoman who grew up learning about autopsies and finding clues through corpses. She encounters a judicial official and an assassin by chance and finds true love through the course of searching for the truth. (Source: DramaPanda) ~~ Adapted from the novel, The Tang Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor, by Xiu Tang
Tu Hua
Toby Lee
Zhou Jieqiong
Pei Zitian
Sonia Yuan
Lan Bo
Wang Yizhe
Sonia Yuan
Liu Zirui
Gao Yang
Cai Gang
Yang Xinying
He Bin
Ji Jing
Qi Yaxuan
Sissi Bao
Returning Series
Original Language: