A story that starts with a typical sibling quarrel between Melinda, who is a conservative teacher and Shirley, a typical modern teenager. Shirley decided to earn her own money to the point of selling her soul just to show that she can live outside the shadow of her older sister. In reality, Melinda is keeping the secret of her sad past to protect her beloved Shirley.
Gloria Romero
Phillip Salvador
Alicia Alonzo
Brenda Del Rio
Ruby Anna
Chona Castillo
Janet Bordon
Manny Luna
Romeo Rivera
Greg Lozano
Jesse Lee
Dray Dadivas
Angie Magbanua
Bernard Valle
Joey Infante
Allan Jayme Rabaya
Ramon Recto
Mary Walter
Emmanuel H. Borlaza
Screenplay, Story
Toto Belano
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