A student who works part-time as a milk carrier, conducts a private investigation into the mysterious death of an old woman. While riding the elevator, he feels as if he saw the face of an elderly woman who died that particular day. Unfortunately, the police and ORMO quite effectively discourage the student from seeking the truth.
Jacenty Jędrusik
Leon, student - mleczarz
Bogusława Pawelec
Anka, koleżanka Leona
Maciej Reszczyński
Krzysiek, kolega Leona
Hanna Mikuć
uczestniczka pogrzebu Marianny Kańskiej
Krzysztof Kiersznowski
uczestnik pogrzebu Marianny Kańskiej
Roman Lis
Krzysztof Szuster
milicjant w kasku w barze mlecznym
Juliusz Machulski
pijany mieszkaniec bloku
Andrzej Siedlecki
Kazimierz Zarzycki
ormowiec, mieszkaniec bloku
Director, Screenplay
Juliusz Machulski
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