The story of Orochi revolves around the life of the Monzen family. Aoi Monzen, a famous, but aging, movie star and Kazusa and Lisa Monzen her two daughters. Aoi hopes for them both to take over her legacy as a star, but Kazusa does not live up to her expectations. The mother is always pitting the girls against one another competitively. As a result, as the years pass, the love the sisters shared grows to a hidden hatred. When another girl named Orochi saves the girl's mother from a terrible accident a bizarre chain of events is set in motion spanning many years. The atmosphere in their estate builds up until Orochi reveals a terrible truth that the family must keep hidden from the world. Orochi serves as the narrator of the story. The movie is based on a Kazuo Umezu manga series which ran from 1969 to 1970.
Yoshino Kimura
Aoi Monzen / Kazusa
Noriko Nakagoshi
Risa Monzen
Mitsuki Tanimura
Orochi / Yoshiko
Taro Yamamoto
Hiroshi Onishi
Kyūsaku Shimada
Yôko Ôshima
Natsumi Yamada
Risa (child)
Kazusa (child)
Seika Kuze
Kataoka (music teacher)
Kaoru Kusumi
Tarô Suwa
Norio Tsuruta
Adaptation, Writer
Hiroshi Takahashi
Comic Book, Story
Kazuo Umezz
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