The film tells about a young man named Sergei, who lives an ordinary measured life. Suddenly, strange visions begin to visit him, the meaning of which he cannot understand. To his surprise, some of these visions soon begin to come true. Neither the young man, nor his relatives and friends are ready to accept what is beginning to happen around him. Soon Sergei will have to find out the essence of these phenomena, reconsider his views on the world around him and realize what is the true meaning of our unpredictable, mysterious, and sometimes frightening life ...
Irina Skuratova
Anatoly Rybakov
Natalya Tishina
Anatoly Pasichnik
Dmitry Shvenk
Evgeny Dukhnov
Artem Nechepurenko
Roman Mishurin
Evgeny Bulava
Gilfan Dokhin
Yury Borovskoy
Dmitry Pasichnik
Director, Screenplay
Anatoly Pasichnik
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