After the lives of several people are tied into a intriguing knot upon meeting police officer Krasts one hot summer day, they’re all brought together again on a full moon winter night. Intrigue develops among a couple of lovers, Gints and Elga, three adventure-race participants with one woman, Renate, on their team, three generations of a family whose father, Karlis, died in a tragic hunting accident, Karlis’s daughter Aija, his former lover Livija, and a young girl hardened by life, who lives at a Christian home for expectant mothers. A detective twist is added by a bit of poison, which one of them will get.
Rolands Zagorskis
Guna Zariņa
Santa Didžus
Andris Keišs
Indra Burkovska
Kaspars Znotiņš
Yana Sekste
Beate Grickeviča
Andis Mizišs
Kaspars Odiņš
Elvita Ruka
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