A romantic drama depicting a housewife vacillating between a former lover and her husband directed by Narita Yusuke who was involved in the "Abunai Deka" and "BE-BOP High School" series. Odashima Yumiko (Kumakiri Asami), a housewife, lives a happy albeit unexceptional life with her older husband Yukihiko (Motomiya Yasukaze), an orthopedist. One day, a couple moves into the home opposite their own. Yumiko learns their new neighbor is her former lover Miyazawa Koji (Okuchi Kengo) and his wife...
Asami Kumakiri
Odashima Yumiko
Kengo Ôkuchi
Miyazawa Koji
Yasukaze Motomiya
Odashima Yukihiko
Yurika Akane
Chie Suzuki
Tomoka Takeda
Yûya Tokumoto
Madoka Arai
Yusuke Narita
Shūji Kataoka
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