“4Love” is a compilation of four stories revolving around love. In the first story, two young adults come into contact through a book while the second story revolves around the obstacles a man encounters on the day he intends to propose to his girlfriend. The third story revolves around the consequences of a married woman’s infidelity while in the last story, a couple decide to give their marriage a second chance after an encounter with a loving elderly couple.
Cheryl Wee
Nissa (segment "Love. Destiny")
Maxi Lim Jun Liang
Max (segment "Love. Destiny")
Terence Then
Weng (segment "Love. Extreme")
Oon Shu An
Ye Lin (segment "Love. Temptation")
Joshua Tan
Carl (segment "Love. Remember")
Hayley Woo
Ellie (segment "Love. Remember")
Gilbert Chan
Daniel Yam
Raihan Halim
Sam Loh
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