Follows the central character from infant innocence to an ageless teenage persona, we witness the tussle between a 'family' descending into delirium as the special relationship between an aunt and her teenage nephew is upset by the arrival of two mysterious guests. Spanning four mealtimes, the film dips in and out of horror clichés, whilst exploring gender roles, wildlife, cooperation and individual expression.
Jenny Runacre
Doreen van der Meer
Monsieur H
Roxanne Jean Weller
Madame Lenormand
Nathan Wackett
Karen Eng
The Mayor
Xo Mai Eng-Mann
The Good Doctor
Urara Tsuchiya
The Cook
Julia Muggenburg
The Neighbor
Nera Klean
Maid X
Wynifred Kindersley
Baby Albert
Aldous Kindersley
Young Albert
Director, Writer
Paul Kindersley
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