Set in present-day Los Angeles, Deep Cuts is a black comedy surrounding an average 20-something guy named Sal, who's recently been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of his treatment, losing his hair, chemotherapy, depression and loss, Sal realizes his time is limited and the opportunity to seize his moment is fleeting. Forgoing what the world may think, Sal follows the passion he's always had: becoming a rapper. Under the alias "Deep Cuts" and with the help of his therapist, Sal reaches out to an old acquaintance from high school that slowly morphs into a mentorship. Through this experience,a new life begins for Sal. The life of Deep Cuts.
Matthew Dho
Deep Cuts
Hayley Ashton
Model #5
Sasha Calle
Model #3
Devyn De Loera
Model #2
Chloe Farnworth
The One
Chauntice Green
The Therapist
City James
The Mentor
S. Cole Kiburz
The Photographer
Grant McCord
The Lyft Driver
Britni Sumida
Model #1
Brandon White
The Producer
Maryn Worhacz
Model #4
Director, Writer
Grant McCord
Robbie Pfeffer
James Domachowske
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