A story of Anita Amor, a haughty and spoiled woman who inherits vast tracts of undeveloped land and a major publishing company from her late father who was killed during the Japanese occupation. A conflict arises between her and Delfin Glorioso, the socially-conscious editor of her newspaper, who is determined to follow Anita’s late father’s wishes to develop the land for the benefit of the veterans of the war. The rich Anita is infuriated by Delfin’s continuing attacks on her wanton spending and devises a scheme to get back at him.
Rogelio de la Rosa
Delfin Glorioso
Mila del Sol
Anita Amor
Eusebio Gomez
Dr. Gomez
Engracio Ibarra
Mang Corio
Justina David
Delfin's Mother
Armando Canseco
Rita Amor
Miguel Lopez
Tomas Esteban
Bayani Casimiro
Director, Screenplay
Susana C. De Guzman
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