A group of students investigates the urban legend of the Mole Man, an ex-patient of the Black Grove Psychiatric Asylum who is thought to live within its walls.
Meg Foster
Layla Parrish
Stephanie Hernandez
Melanie Gates
Robert Paget
Patrick Flanagan
Jerod Krauss
Denise M. Kelone
Layla Parrish (Animation) (voice)
Natasha Nutkiewicz
Student (background)
Alexandra Binns
Student (background)
Laz Martino
Animation (voice)
Peter Aratari
Leonard Craven / Mole Man
Issac Hernandez
Animation (voice)
Kayla Clark
Student (background)
Giordan Diaz
Nate Mitchell
Gabriela Muskat
Student (background)
Troy Dovey
Asylum Staff Member
Sylvie Sterlin
Student (background)
Jesse Ramos
Ernie Gomez
William Alexander
Terry Kelly
Nia Carter
Student (background)
Director, Writer
Krisstian de Lara
Screenplay, Writer
Clay Smith
Rolando Vinas
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