Driven by a desire to live forever through cinema, aspiring filmmaker Nathaniel Heaton sets out to fuse his life into the narrative of a movie in this film-within-a-film. Both a dreamer and a romantic, Heaton escapes his estranged relationships, professional failures, and concerns of mortality by retreating more and more into the world of the movie that exists in his imagination... a world where gangsters close in and a struggling old nightclub prepares for what may be its final show.
Matt Micucci
Nathaniel Heaton
Chip Godwin
Ben Zorn
Don Scribner
Seymour Harmon
Seymour Cassel
James Kyson
Ryn Weaver
Alison Zatta
Theresa Heaton
Marielle Vigneau-Britt
Rhian Jagger
Paulette McWilliams
Gena Pierce
Catriona Toop
Olivia Giard
Kat Martin
Director, Writer
Christopher Zatta
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