In the town of Sakurada, where about half of the residents have special abilities, Kei Asai is a high school student and is able to remember everything. Misora Haruki is also a high school student and she has the power to reset the world by 3 days. If they use both of their powers together, they can go back in time by 3 days and retain their memory. They are watched by the administrative bureau.
Shuhei Nomura
Kei Asai
Yuina Kuroshima
Misora Harusaki
Yuna Taira
Xiang Ma Pansy
Kentaro Ito
Tomoki Nakano
Tina Tamashiro
Haruka Murase
Yuri Tsunematsu
Eri Oka
Goro Oishi
Mariko Kaga
Makoto Okunaka
Young Witch
Yuuka Yano
Minami Mirai
Kenshiro Iwai
Usuke Sakagami
Rei Okamoto
Sasane Ukawa
Hisashi Yoshizawa
Shintaro Tsushima
Arisa Nakajima
Tomomi Maruyama
Director, Writer
Yoshihiro Fukagawa
Yutaka Kono
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