In 1987, frustrated junior high student Takashi hates his uncool father hanging around their suburban home all the time, and is pestered by the area’s wannabe gangsters. But he’s interested in the girl next door, the bounteously-breasted Megumi. One day, Takashi hears a rumor that porn actress Kyoko Yokushimaru is coming to town for an autograph session at the only video store in town where Takashi and his judo friends always hang out. Their ridiculous but serious adventure begins. What will Takashi find after all the surprises and chaos? Recalling youth classics like Stand By Me, this is the debut feature of Shin Adachi, Japan Academy Prize-winning screenwriter of 100 Yen Love.
Naoki Inukai
Oyama Takashi
Ken Mitsuishi
Oyama Tadao
Mari Hamada
Oyama Yoshiko
Mugi Kadowaki
Oyama Haruko
Masato Wada
Nana Asakawa
Nishino Megumi
Kentaro Ito
Yuzu Aoki
Tada Mitsuru
Rasei Nakajima
Okada Satoshi
Akimasa Kawaguchi
Tsuyoshi Takeuchi
Miyoko Inagawa
Oyama Ume
Yuumi Goto
Ryusuke Komakine
Chika Uchida
Tadashi Sakata
[Mitsuru's father]
Shohei Uno
Guadalcanal Taka
Director, Writer
Shin Adachi
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