The story unfolds in an underclass neighborhood of Mexico City, a place where a unique troupe features a circus act, led by Don Ramón (López Moctezuma himself.) He and his wife Petra (Isaura Espinosa) have to take care of the daughter of a neighbor who has been jailed for drug trafficking. Petra decides that the girl (who is only 5 years old) must earn a living, entrusting her several domestic tasks; the little girl, which he nicknamed "Flea" befriends Pepito, who works as a clown on the street. Things get complicated when somone with satanic tendencies arrives to Ramon's house, and the visitor develops an interest on Petra. A fight between the three adults causes that "lil Flea" suffers a fatal accident, so the solution will be to use her meat for the tamales sold by Petra.
Isaura Espinoza
Juan López Moctezuma
Don Ramón
Paulina de Labra
Jorge Russek
Andaluz Russell
Salvador Sánchez
Sergio Sánchez
Jorge Victoria
Director, Writer
Juan López Moctezuma
Jorge Victoria
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