A retelling of L.M. Montgomery's story of Anne Shirley, an orphan who is accidentally sent to a couple looking to adopt a boy instead
Ella Ballentine
Anne Shirley
Martin Sheen
Matthew Cuthbert
Sara Botsford
Marilla Cuthbert
Julia Lalonde
Diana Barry
Kate Hennig
Rachel Lynde
Stefani Kimber
Josie Pye
Linda Kash
Mrs. Barry
Drew Haytaoglu
Gilbert Blythe
Kyle Gatehouse
Mr. Phillips
Tannis Burnett
Jaime Feggi
Minnie May Barry
Natalia Payne
Mrs. Beatty
Alanis Peart
Mary Jo
Ellie Ricker
Prissy Andrews
Zoe Fraser
Ruby Gillis
John Kent Harrison
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Susan Coyne
May 12, 2021
It seems that Anne of Green Gables is like a Canadian Jane Austen novel: constantly subject to reinterpretation every few years with a new film or mini-series production.
I won’t go into great detail about this version: it is fine, with a good cast and good dialogue, presumably drawn from the book since so much of it is familiar! This production does present a few of the usual scenes in slightly different ways. For example, when Anne delivers her exaggerated apology to busybody neighbor Rachel, we only see her gestures - we do not hear her words. It worked to differentiate the script from every other version.
And well, of course the scenery is great. Why wouldn’t it be?
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