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July 28, 2020


I don't have any negative feelings towards this, yet I have nothing for it positively either - there's no real enjoyment or entertainment to be had.

<em>'Monkeys, Go Home!'</em> starts off intriguingly, but to me as soon as the monkeys turn up it loses all interest - which, as you can imagine, isn't great considering the title. It just sleepwalks through its run time.

Dean Jones (Hank), Maurice Chevalier (Sylvain) and Yvette Mimieux (Maria) all give decent performances, but unfortunately for them everything else about the film is just so average. As for the other cast members, Bernard Woringer (Marcel) & Clément Harari (Emile) are OK antagonists.

The score is solid while the locations look pretty good. However, sadly, I can't really majorly praise much else about this. Even if there are worse films out there, of course.