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January 1, 2022


It's a bit up and down, but all in all <em>'The Creature Walks Among Us'</em> is a film I'd consider as 'good'.

It, for me, definitively improves upon predecessor <em>'Revenge of the Creature'</em>, despite a few parts I didn't like as much as other bits. The stuff with the Gill-man is actually really good, especially towards the end. Despite that, the filmmakers seemed to prefer showing the humans - whose story didn't interest me on anything other than a base level. It needed more creature, in short.

Rex Reason is the only cast member I immediately remember, even minutes after watching. Leigh Snowden is serviceable, while Jeff Morrow at least plays his sorta character well enough - given I disliked him. Ricou Browning is the only main cast member to appear in all three times; as underwater Gill-man, of course.

The better sequel, though neither come all that close to the fab original.