IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into position, and do we have any modern evidence that such a thing may have been possible? WATCHERS 8 explores how today's UFO phenomena and the ancient evidence in Peru may be connected. We'll also continue with our story in WATCHERS 7 with Bill's implant.
Steve Colbern
Russ Dizdar
Brien Foerster
Steve Freedman
Juan Navarro Hierro
David M. Jacobs
Aaron Judkins
Chase Kloeztke
Roger Leir
L.A. Marzulli
John Matrisciano
Ron Morehead
Robert Salas
Gary Stearman
Richard Shaw
L.A. Marzulli
October 2, 2015
IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into position, and do we have any modern evidence that such a thing may have been possible? WATCHERS 8 explores how today's UFO phenomena and the ancient evidence in Peru may be connected. We'll also continue with our story in WATCHERS 7 with Bill's implant.