In a dystopian future where pain and emotion have been suppressed by a government-issued drug called Torpase, Joshua Barrett coasts through the monotony of his repetitive, workaday life. But when he's kidnapped by a rebellious priest, Joshua is exposed to a world beyond Torpase, changing everything he thought he knew about what it means to live.
Tommy Martin
Joshua Barrett
Amy Hunt
Becca Reynolds
Richard Hackel
Father Albert Camus
Louie Lawless
The Mayor
Kyle Dal Santo
Corey Sarte
Jennifer Wilkens
Caroline Barrett
Terry Sasaki
Dr. Beroff
Christopher Hunt
Tony Bartele
Randy Aiken
Sonny Burnette
Archbishop Roslen
Mark S. Esch
Mr. Richards
Ethel Anita
Factory Worker
Kenneth Stevenson
Construction Worker
Director, Writer
Adam Bailey
James Treakle
Allison Flood
Kenneth Stevenson
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