The comedy "Vendelin's Purgatory and Paradise" contains the amusing experiences of the Zemlicka family from Prague who are all trying to find a good match for their daughter Amalka. Amalka is a pretty girl and it comes as no surprise that Vendelin Hrom grows fond of her, having met her and her whole family on a Sunday outing. On the way home they all get wet and so Vendelin is invited to the Zemlicka's house to dry off; he is given dinner and asked to stay the night. The father and mother think up plans to ensnare the timid Vendelin so that they can marry off their daughter.
Jiří Hron
Vendelín Hrom
Máňa Ženíšková
Amálka Zemlicková
Theodor Pištěk
Vincenc Zemlicka
Helena Monczáková
Karolína Zemlicková
František Lašek
Béďa Pražský
Marie Počepická
Marie Nademlejnská
Milka Balek-Brodská
Antonín Frič
Roza Schlesingerová
Director, Screenplay
Přemysl Pražský
Eduard Kučera
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