Shonosuke Furukehashi (Hiroshi Tamaki) is a young samurai and the second son of Sozaemon (Bunchin Katsura) of Togane Domain, Kazusa Province. Sozaemon serves as an attendant, but one day, he is suddenly suspected of accepting bribes. Forged documents written in handwriting startlingly identical to his offer incontrovertible evidence. Framed for accepting bribes he knows nothing about, Sozaemon commits ritual suicide for his “crime”. Shonosuke’s elder brother Katsunosuke (Satoshi Hashimoto), an assistant instructor at the domain’s training hall, is placed under house arrest. Because of that, Shonosuke leaves for Edo alone in order to clear the name of his beloved father.
Hiroshi Tamaki
Shonosuke Furukehashi
Satoshi Hashimoto
Katsunosuke Furukehashi
Shihori Kanjiya
Hisako Manda
Rokkaku Seiji
So Takei
Yoshie Ichige
Bunchin Katsura
Reiko Takashima
Morio Kazama
Kinya Kitaoji
Kaichi Kaburagi
Megumi Oji
Yukimi Koyanagi
Toshiya Tôyama
Kaoru Mizuki
Yukijiro Hotaru
Fumi Dan
Keiji Kataoka
Original Story
Miyuki Miyabe
Mika Ohmori
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