The third installment of the Emperor series, starring Tatsuo Umemiya as the man who rules the night world. Hiroshi rose through the ranks in Tokyo by fighting with women. However, when he returned to his hometown in Kyushu for his father's memorial service, his gambling partner Masa not only confiscated Hiroshi's store and bankbook, but was also saddled with debts in Hiroshi's name. Although Hiroshi was angry, he made a decision and decided to start over using his body. Starting with a female designer, he battles an antique art dealer, Master Nagauta, a female doctor, and many others, and finally battles a rich man's widow.
Tatsuo Umemiya
Shingo Yamashiro
Machiko Yashiro
Chikako Miyagi
Yōko Mihara
Sally Mae
Kotoe Hatsui
Kayako Sono
Akemi Negishi
Toshiaki Minami
Rookie Shin-ichi
Zeko Nakamura
Tōru Yuri
Hōsei Komatsu
Tatsuo Endō
Taiji Tonoyama
Tōru Abe
Chiharu Kuri
Makoto Naito
Ryūnosuke Ono
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