Directed and created by Shane Ryan, the movie was shot shortly after the events which inspired it (15 year old Alyssa Bustamante was convicted of killing her 9 year old neighbor, Elizabeth Olten). Compared to the likes of David Lynch, Larry Clark, Harmony Korine and John Cassavetes, the film dares the audience to watch it, confronting issues with kids and teenagers often sugar-coated by Hollywood. The movie tackles hard-hitting subjects like self mutilation by teen girls, bullying, rape, bulimia (showcasing the actual damage it does to a girl's body) and, of course, the murder.
Katie Marsh
Demi Baumann
The Sidekick
Teona Dolnikova
The Performer
Alexis Damianos
The Angst
Kaliya Skye
Joseph Marsh
Sean Cain
The Performer's Father
Domiziano Arcangeli
The Angst's Father
Director, Writer
Shane Ryan-Reid
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