Tells the story of one day in the lives of the various people who populate a police detective squad. An embittered cop, Det. Jim McLeod, leads a precinct of characters in their grim daily battle with the city's lowlife. The characters who pass through the precinct over the course of the day include a young petty embezzler, a pair of burglars, and a naive shoplifter.
Kirk Douglas
Det. James McLeod
Eleanor Parker
Mary McLeod
William Bendix
Det. Lou Brody
Cathy O'Donnell
Susan Carmichael
George Macready
Karl Schneider
Horace McMahon
Lt. Monaghan
Gladys George
Miss Hatch
Joseph Wiseman
Charley Gennini
Lee Grant
Gerald Mohr
Tami Giacoppetti
Frank Faylen
Det. Gallagher
Craig Hill
Arthur Kindred
Michael Strong
Lewis Abbott
Luis van Rooten
Joe Feinson
Bert Freed
Det. Dakis
Warner Anderson
Endicott Sims
Grandon Rhodes
Det. O'Brien
William Phillips
Det. Pat Callahan
Russell Evans
Patrolman Barnes
Charles Campbell
Newspaper Photographer (uncredited)
Edmund Cobb
Ed (uncredited)
Ann Codee
French Woman (uncredited)
Catherine Doucet
Mrs. Farragut (uncredited)
Pat Flaherty
Desk Sergeant (uncredited)
Harper Goff
Dave Gallantz (uncredited)
Howard Joslin
Patrolman Gus Keogh (uncredited)
Donald Kerr
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
George Magrill
Policeman (uncredited)
Mike Mahoney
Det. Coleman (uncredited)
James Maloney
Albert R. Pritchett (uncredited)
Lee Miller
Policeman (uncredited)
Ralph Montgomery
Policeman Finney (uncredited)
Burt Mustin
Willie the Janitor (uncredited)
Jack Perry
Man in Custody (uncredited)
Robert S. Scott
Mulvey (uncredited)
Jack Shea
Desk Sergeant (uncredited)
Kay Wiley
Hysterical Woman (uncredited)
William Wyler
Robert Wyler
Philip Yordan
Theatre Play
Sidney Kingsley
January 22, 2020
It's intense at the 21st Precinct.
An assortment of detectives and an assortment of criminals, all gathered together under the oppressive 21st Precint roof. It's a day that nobody present will ever forget - for better or worse...
Directed by William Wyler (Best years Of Our Lives, Ben-Hur & Wuthering Heights) and starring Kirk Douglas, Eleanor Parker, William Bendix, Cathy O'Donnell and Joseph Wiseman.
Detective Story is based on the smash hit Broadway play by Sidney Kingsley, adapted by Phillip Yordan and Robert Wyler, it's with much relief to me that the worry of it being a stagy production never actually materialises. Practically set on one bleak, but quite excellently appropriate set (creation courtesy of Hal Pereira & Earl Hedrick), Detective Story manages to rise above the very simple plot by boasting interesting characters in a pot boiling story just waiting to reach its peak. Each character has much to offer the film, be it oddly quirky or overtly intense, within the confines of this particular precinct, the characters create engrossing drama.
It's a difficult film to sell without giving too much away, by outlaying the character persona's and mental fortitude's, I personally feel that it will dull the impact of this influential crime genre piece. It's got real raw emotive acting, particularly from Kirk Douglas as Jim McLeod and Eleanor Parker as his wife Mary, while the technical aspects (watch Lee Garmes' camera glide like a third party witness) are impressively high. And with it embracing as it does, morality themes, it also doesn't lack for interest to the cranial head scratching crowd.
It's by definition to me an all encompassing picture, one that is now sure to be a perennial viewing in my home. It's not a standard crime picture, and it most definitely is a talky film, but this works incredibly well, so one can only hope that many others will feel the same as myself, in that namely that it is indeed a fine and essential genre piece. 8/10
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