The movie consists of six stories, and each of them is based on some ancient Russian fairy tale (or at least the roles are taken from some fairy tales), which makes the story really interesting and funny. Russian latitude and recklessness, incendiary rustic humor and, finally, lots of beautiful Russian girls - all this will leave you a lasting impression and sense of presence in the Russian folk festivals.
Julia Artemieva
Marina Kuznetzova
Alena Michailova
Anna Roudakova
Alena Kharlamova
Darya Tsiplukhina
Ekaterina Kipshidze
Irina Zotova
Maria Frolkova
Maria Stukanova
Olga Ogorodnikova
Svetlana Tikhaya
Tatyana Akhmedova
Anton Ternov
Ilya Rybak
Ilya Tarasov
Kirill Novikov
Maksim Grigoryev
Pavel Egorov
Vitaliy Prokhorov
Vitaliy Thernayev
Vladimir Nikitin
Director, Writer
Armen Oganezov
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