Nettie, a modern Little Mermaid, is living humanly-ever-after in Provincetown with her fiancé, Freckles. When an anxious young merperson named Archie and Calypso the Sea Nymph come looking for help though, the part-time mermaid dives back into action. Together, Nettie and her three friends travel the world in search of the Terzetto Treasure; a magical artifact that will stop an evil sea witch and her coven from draining the ocean of life.
Ashleigh Heaton
Nettie (voice)
Archie (voice)
Jinkx Monsoon
Voda Yaga (voice)
Blake Cordell
Freckles (voice)
Blair Osako-Green
Calypso (voice)
Melissa Medína
Menana (voice)
Maddy Goshorn
Lusi (voice)
Director, Writer
Matt Bruneau-Richardson
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