A spin-off of the beloved *Jenifa* franchise, *Everybody Loves Jenifa* follows Jenifa as she navigates fame, relationships, and personal growth. Based in Lagos and Accra, her life takes a turn when a wealthy newcomer, Lobster, threatens her popularity with his grand charitable deeds. The drama escalates when Jenifa and her friends unwittingly clash with a Ghanaian drug baron after mistakenly receiving a bag of drugs. Co-written and co-directed by Funke Akindele, the film blends humor and life lessons, featuring a star-studded cast including Patience Ozokwor, Jide Kosoko, D’Banj, Falz, and Nancy Isime.
Funke Akindele
Nancy Isime
Patience Ozokwor
Omowunmi Dada
Jackie Appiah
Omotunde Adebowale David
Stan Nze
Layi Wasabi
Folarinde Falana
Chimezie Imo
Bisola Aiyeola
Jide Awobona
Tobi Makinde
Destiny Etiko
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