YouTuber Tomoki Uchikawa, along with his friends Hinako, Souta, and Nanae, head to the former Ishio Village, where there are rumors of people being spirited away, to film a video investigating urban legends. However, their whereabouts remain unknown, and the police discover the rental car they had rented near a tunnel on the outskirts of the village. The video cameras left behind there show shocking images of locked houses, children in armed uniforms, imprisoned adults, and adults being infected by a strange disease, a rotten demon, that occurs on the night of a new moon.
Anna Murashige
Hinako Kayano
Masaki Ota
Tomoki Uchikawa
Ryuta Kuwayama
Asuka Hanamura
Ryoka Yoshida
Yoji Tanaka
Nagisa Toriumi
Machida Yamato
Ayu Okuma
Yukiko Sumi
Yukito Matsuno
Original Story
Atsuto Nimoya
Kiyoshi Yamamoto
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